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Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 3, 2012

AntWorks Colors of Life

“Any Color You Like…”

The future of ant colonies looks bright with the Colors of Life habitat from AntWorks. Featuring the same quality design and Space Age technology that has made AntWorks such a big hit, the Colors of Life habitat comes with a little extra something: an LED base that cycles through the entire color spectrum, letting you see the ants in a whole new light!

With this amazing new design, you can bring a little (scratch that, a lot) of color into your ants’ monotonous life. Now, as they dig and tunnel their way through their little world, they’ll be treated to a light show the likes of which they’d only experience within the Colors of Life walls. It’s almost like a little ant-sized discotheque!

Although the gel that comprised the original AntWorks habitat was blue, in the Colors of Life it is clear to allow the light base to illuminate it. But everything else your ants have come to know and love about the NASA designed gel remains the same. It still provides them with all their needed water and nutrients and is still as fun and easy to dig as ever.

the AntWorks Colors of Life habitat phases through the color spectrum both you and your ants will be able to enjoy a remarkable display. Or, should you choose to freeze the light show, you can simply leave on the color you (or they) like best !

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