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Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 10, 2012

Sundial Bridge

The Sundial Bridge at Turtle Bay crosses the Sacramento River in the heart of Redding, California. Designed by world-renowned architect and engineer Santiago Calatrava, the bridge links the 300-acre north and south campuses of Turtle Bay Exploration Park. It has served as the downtown entrance to Redding’s extensive Sacramento River Trail system since it’s July 4, 2004 opening. The bridge celebrates human creativity and ingenuity, important themes of Turtle Bay. The steel, glass, and granite span evokes a sense of weightlessness and the translucent, non-skid decking provides for spectacular viewing at night, while being environmentally sensitive. The pylon, cable stays, and glass deck preserve salmon-spawning habitat beneath the bridge, while encouraging public appreciation for the river.

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