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Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 5, 2012


Deluxe Jellyfish Tank
These jellyfish are not real - but most who see it think they are!  Micro currents cause the jellyfish to gently swim and bob in the large tank (around 16" wide and 10" high).  These jellyfish are made from a special polymer, which allows them to move as if they were alive.  Multicolored LED lighting effects add to the soothing tranquility this deluxe tank creates. The Deluxe Jellyfish Tank is brand new and available from InnovaToys.com . This makes a great gift and looks awesome for home, dorm or office.

Thứ Hai, 14 tháng 5, 2012

Levitron Lamp

Integrates art with cutting edge technology. This beautiful levitating lamp sculpture provides accent lighting while amazing all who see it. Soft white lighting provided by 6 cool white high intensity LEDs shine up at the levitating shade. The lamp shade levitates more than 3 centimeters above its base.
Dimensions: 20.5" height
11.5" black base diameter.
Power: Low voltage adapter.
Input 110v/220v
Output 15 VDC

Tornando Fountain


                          Poseidon                     Neptune

Adds a touch of elegance to any home décor. Alway a conversation piece. Each design includes clear fountain bowl, Black Base, colorful pebbles and a low voltage 12 VAC pump.

Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 5, 2012


It spins this way, but not that way?! The Rattleback is an insolent piece of history that will bring you hours of enjoyment.
The Rattleback’s history dates back thousands of years. In that time it has come to be known as the “Rebellious Celt” for its unorthodox and outright defiant behavior against the laws of physics. Not quite as dramatic as a 13th Century Scot wailing “Freedom!” during his execution at the hands of an oppressive king, but the Rattleback is pretty insubordinate, nonetheless.
Having been studied for over a hundred years, it has only been recently made clear exactly how the Rattleback works (long mathematical equations we won’t bother to excite you with here). Also known as a “wobble stone,” the Rattleback’s unique shape is what gives it its rebellious behavior. If spun one way, the Rattleback will rotate in a normal manner but try twirling it in the opposite direction and witness an apparent backlash against natural laws! The Rattleback becomes volatile as it starts to rattle before eventually stopping and reversing its own direction!
One of the most extraordinary physics toys ever known, the Rattleback has intrigued man throughout history. Now the time has come for you to enjoy it! Clear off some of those papers that are cluttering up your desk and make some room for the Rattleback. For the rebel in us all!

Oahaca Pull String WindUp

Get things shakin’ with Oahaca!
Meet Oahaca, the wind-up toy that will soon be famous worldwide for its incredible dancing abilities. You may even see it featured as a backup dancer in the next Britney Spears video or as the star member of a dance troupe in Vegas. Okay, probably not. But Oahaca is pretty impressive and you’re likely to see it doing its thing on plenty of coworkers’ desks…or even your own!
Looking like a metal insect, Oahaca is a very unique wind-up toy that seems almost seems to have a mind of its own. When you pull the Saturn-shaped “head” he sets off on a torrent of weird and wild twists, turns, shutters, shakes, jitters and gyrations. He can get so out of hand sometimes that Oahaca comes with a leash to keep him under control. His head is attached to a pull string which might give you a better chance of controlling him through the throes of his outburst so he doesn’t go two-stepping off the table.
Change the way he behaves by bending his wire legs and enjoy Oahaca even in the dark with his glow-in-the-dark “head” and gears. A great means of entertainment when you tire of your collating at work (and when are you not tired of that?).
Oahaca also happens to be part of an exciting new species, or genus to be specific, of lively wind-up toys designed by Chico Bicalho that are perfect for the avid collector whose looking for something new to add to their shelf full of chattering teeth!

Awika! WindUp

Awika - The Sherman Tank of wind-ups.
We’re not quite sure what to make of Awika the wind-up toy ourselves. I’m just glad that it isn’t a real life bug as it (somewhat) appears to be; if I saw some insect bounding over obstacles with its glow-in-the-dark appendages while shooting sparks out of its backside, I can guarantee I’d be leaping over whatever got in my way while screaming bloody murder, all the while, shooting something from my backside, too!
But alas! Awika is just another one of the many ultra-unique wind-ups from designer Chico Bicalho and not something to send you running for the nearest economy-sized bottle of raid (but, I’m tellin’ ya, if it were real, oh man...that would be creepy!). Wind Awika up and watch it climb over small objects like some kind of robotic insect Humvee.
With its glowing limbs and fire belching butt, Awika makes for an awesome sight crawling across your filing at work (just make sure you don’t catch those invoices on fire)! Set up some books and other small barriers and watch Awika conquer them all.
And if this little guy intrigues you, you may want to take a look at some of its relatives. There is an entire fauna of these unique wind-up creatures just waiting to entertain you with their widely varying personalities.

Le Pinch WindUp

The pinnacle of wind-up evolution
I still don’t know whether Le Pinch reminds me of a mechanized version of a caterpillar or the underground worm-like monsters in “Tremors.” But I am told that its articulated motion is based on that of the inchworm so I guess I wasn’t too far off. One thing’s for certain, though, Le Pinch definitely signifies a step up the evolutionary ladder for this family of wind-up toys. Before you know it, they’ll be walking upright and their front feet will have morphed into prehensile organs that they use for tool making!
Okay, that might be jumping the gun on the Great Leap Forward of Le Pinch’s phylogeny but they are certainly on their way! The way this guy propels himself across your table and over obstacles is unlike anything you’ve ever seen in a wind-up before. Hold Le Pinch in your hand and wind him up all the way. Then, without forcing the spring, set Le Pinch loose wherever you’d like. He works best when you set up a series of low obstructions in his path, though.
It took over year at the drawing board and more than a hundred different prototypes before Chico Bicalho settled on this unique design for Le Pinch and we’re certain all the hard work will more than show through as this is surely the most original wind-up you’ve ever seen!
If you care to trace the lineage of Le Pinch and see how he came to be such a wonder to behold, then check out some of his ancestors. With them, you can create for yourself a museum-quality exhibit on your desk of the Descent of Wind-Ups

Cosmojetz WindUp

Cosmojetz has got the moves!
Cosmojetz, unfortunately, doesn’t come with a blue Adidas track suit and matching Kangol hat. With those accessories, this little wind-up would be the ultimate break dancer. But that doesn’t mean you can’t bust out that slice of cardboard and let Cosmojetz get down on it and show off his moves as you delight over his every robotic maneuver.
Pick up Cosmojetz in one hand, holding his counterweight in place and give his key a few good turns with the other and let him loose. His creator says Cosmojetz has A.D.D and while we’re not qualified to diagnose him one way or the other, we will say he is a little hyperactive as he does everything short of Pop-locking during his incredible routine.
He has eight feet and Cosmojetz can perform in any of the six positions his little booties can support him in but he goes really crazy when you set him off in one of his two vertical positions. He makes for quite a feature dancing atop your desk at work, distracting you and your colleagues from the boredom of another dull afternoon.
Cosmojetz belongs to a huge family of unique wind-up toys designed by the ever-inventive, Chico Bicalho. If you’re a wind-up enthusiast, you will have to own every one of them and if you’re just starting out, then there’s no better place to begin your collection.

Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 5, 2012

USB Greenhouse

The garden of the future!
The USB Greenhouse welcomes gardening to the 21st Century. We all have coworkers and teachers who decorate their desks with potted plants. They require much attention with all the proper lighting and having to remember when to water them; then they make an awful mess when they spill over. And what about those unsightly plastic numbers? They’re fine if you want your workspace to look like a nightstand in some cheap motel. But who really wants that? So obviously, the choice to decorate your desk with flowers is a tricky one. But not anymore! Now there is the USB Greenhouse, a must have for the horticulture enthusiasts living in the digital age!
Who needs the sun? With the USB Greenhouse all you need is to have your computer turned on to give your plant all the light they need. With the software provided, you will be kept up-to-date on when you need to water your plant, as well as given an incredibly helpful interface to let you monitor its health.
This USB Greenhouse is an outright revolution in the world of vases and indoor botanical nurturing. With it you can not only tend to your plants as you always have but also ensure that you’re giving them the exact care they need. And the protective dome will guarantee that aphids and other plant-eaters won’t be snacking on your flowers throughout the day.
Complete with artificial soil and a starter pack of Marigold seeds, the USB Greenhouse will definitely change the way you look at botany forever!

USB MSN Missile Launcher

The USB MSN Missile Launcher is an amazingly cool little invention that will change the way you chat with friends from here on out. Co-developed by Microsoft for use with MSN Messenger, the USB MSN Missile Launcher features a detachable top-mounted webcam that, provided both you and your buddy have a USB MSN Missile Launcher, will act as your enemy’s aiming device.
Tired of telling people how you feel with acronyms and character-generated facial expressions? Just imagine how liberating it would feel to launch a full-scale barrage on a friend’s face with these little warheads. Oh, the possibilities if every coworker had a USB MSN Missile Launcher on their desk! Conference calls would quickly become the most anticipated part of your day!
The USB MSN Missile Launcher, in its own little way, helps to close the gaps that may separate us from friends and family by letting us interact with them physically across great distances! Think of the endless hours of fun that could be had by picking up a USB MSN Missile Launcher, not only firing upon each other but setting up great target ranges using empty soda cans, your collection of action figures or each other’s pets! Ha, just kidding!