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Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 5, 2012

Le Pinch WindUp

The pinnacle of wind-up evolution
I still don’t know whether Le Pinch reminds me of a mechanized version of a caterpillar or the underground worm-like monsters in “Tremors.” But I am told that its articulated motion is based on that of the inchworm so I guess I wasn’t too far off. One thing’s for certain, though, Le Pinch definitely signifies a step up the evolutionary ladder for this family of wind-up toys. Before you know it, they’ll be walking upright and their front feet will have morphed into prehensile organs that they use for tool making!
Okay, that might be jumping the gun on the Great Leap Forward of Le Pinch’s phylogeny but they are certainly on their way! The way this guy propels himself across your table and over obstacles is unlike anything you’ve ever seen in a wind-up before. Hold Le Pinch in your hand and wind him up all the way. Then, without forcing the spring, set Le Pinch loose wherever you’d like. He works best when you set up a series of low obstructions in his path, though.
It took over year at the drawing board and more than a hundred different prototypes before Chico Bicalho settled on this unique design for Le Pinch and we’re certain all the hard work will more than show through as this is surely the most original wind-up you’ve ever seen!
If you care to trace the lineage of Le Pinch and see how he came to be such a wonder to behold, then check out some of his ancestors. With them, you can create for yourself a museum-quality exhibit on your desk of the Descent of Wind-Ups

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