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Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 5, 2012

USB Greenhouse

The garden of the future!
The USB Greenhouse welcomes gardening to the 21st Century. We all have coworkers and teachers who decorate their desks with potted plants. They require much attention with all the proper lighting and having to remember when to water them; then they make an awful mess when they spill over. And what about those unsightly plastic numbers? They’re fine if you want your workspace to look like a nightstand in some cheap motel. But who really wants that? So obviously, the choice to decorate your desk with flowers is a tricky one. But not anymore! Now there is the USB Greenhouse, a must have for the horticulture enthusiasts living in the digital age!
Who needs the sun? With the USB Greenhouse all you need is to have your computer turned on to give your plant all the light they need. With the software provided, you will be kept up-to-date on when you need to water your plant, as well as given an incredibly helpful interface to let you monitor its health.
This USB Greenhouse is an outright revolution in the world of vases and indoor botanical nurturing. With it you can not only tend to your plants as you always have but also ensure that you’re giving them the exact care they need. And the protective dome will guarantee that aphids and other plant-eaters won’t be snacking on your flowers throughout the day.
Complete with artificial soil and a starter pack of Marigold seeds, the USB Greenhouse will definitely change the way you look at botany forever!

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