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Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 5, 2012

Awika! WindUp

Awika - The Sherman Tank of wind-ups.
We’re not quite sure what to make of Awika the wind-up toy ourselves. I’m just glad that it isn’t a real life bug as it (somewhat) appears to be; if I saw some insect bounding over obstacles with its glow-in-the-dark appendages while shooting sparks out of its backside, I can guarantee I’d be leaping over whatever got in my way while screaming bloody murder, all the while, shooting something from my backside, too!
But alas! Awika is just another one of the many ultra-unique wind-ups from designer Chico Bicalho and not something to send you running for the nearest economy-sized bottle of raid (but, I’m tellin’ ya, if it were real, oh man...that would be creepy!). Wind Awika up and watch it climb over small objects like some kind of robotic insect Humvee.
With its glowing limbs and fire belching butt, Awika makes for an awesome sight crawling across your filing at work (just make sure you don’t catch those invoices on fire)! Set up some books and other small barriers and watch Awika conquer them all.
And if this little guy intrigues you, you may want to take a look at some of its relatives. There is an entire fauna of these unique wind-up creatures just waiting to entertain you with their widely varying personalities.

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