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Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 4, 2012

AntWorks TvQuarium

One channel, always something to watch!
The AntWorks TvQuarium is a cutting edge ant colony that will have you turning in your plasma screen and LCD televisions. Instead of watching mindless “reality” shows and wasting all your monthly texts to vote for the hapless underdog, you can spend your evenings watching a real reality show, one produced by Nature. You could even call it the “BachellorAnt” if you want to, although it’s more suited for the nature channels—only there’s no monotone narrator lulling you to sleep. Quite the opposite, inquisitive minds both young and old will hardly be able to pull their eyes away from the amazing show coming through the screen on the TvQuarium.
Offset by a black rectangular border, and illuminated by blue LEDs, the AntWorks TvQuarium’s “screen” shines like most brilliant television on the market and is the window to a whole new world of your viewing pleasure. For once you tune in, you won’t care that you only get one station on the TvQuarium because you’ll never want to watch anything else! You’ll delight as the ants dig their way through the blue gel, creating an intricate network of tunnels on which they build their awe-inspiring society.
The NASA-designed gel inside the AntWorks TvQuarium, in which the ants live and breathe (do ants breathe?), also happens to be their food source, providing the little creatures with all the food water and nutrients every ant needs to grow big and strong.
So don’t waste anymore time (and brain power) watching “unscripted” television just because you delight in other people’s shame and misery. The AntWorks TvQuarium makes for a great educational gift for children, who will feel like they’re watching television, and will provide just as much entertainment for adults, who will feel good their kids aren’t rotting their minds out watching cartoons.

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