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Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 4, 2012

Mxykikker WindUp

Mxykikker. While we’re not quite sure how to say his name, one thing we are certain of is this strange creature is wholly unlike any wind-up or insect you’ve ever encountered in your life. With more legs than a nest full of the biggest, ugliest spiders in the world and just a few (hundred) shy of a millipede, Mxykikker will be crawling his way over any obstacle and into your heart (in a good way, not like a parasite or anything).
No keys, no pull strings, no revving it up by pulling it backwards on the hardwood floor. Mxykikker is one of the easiest to operate wind-ups ever. Just turn one of his legs and he’s off! Mxykikker will spin his eighteen legs and, like some kind of alien ATV, climb his way over many different obstacles. He can even walk upside down! Stack up some books and watch him make his way to the top or turn him loose under the covers to give your spouse a good scare in the morning.
This unique wind-up known as Mxykikker is part of a large family of other strange and fun little creepy crawly critters from designer Chico Bicalho and every one of them is guaranteed to change any negative feelings you may have about anything that isn’t propelled by bipedal movement.

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