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Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 4, 2012

USB Think Light

Electric lights can be found everywhere, but a light powered by typing…? Our USB Think Light is the perfect computer accessory that gauges the progress you make at your computer by increasing or decreasing the brightness of the bulb depending on the rate at which you type. The USB Think Light has a total of 5 output levels. If you average 100 words per minute then congratulations, you are a genius! You have reached the highest level!
But for the rest of us who have not yet reached the level of genius, the USB Think Light is the perfect way to gauge your progress! The USB Think Light also serves as a wonderful motivational tool to keep you from spacing out throughout the day. You may also try turning off other lights in your room in the hope that you will now be driven to get more work done and receive light in return!

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