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Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 4, 2012

Temperature Controlled Shower Head

The Temperature Controlled Shower Head takes the old standard labeling system for faucets and uses it to create a new shower experience that is safer and more enjoyable than with your old shower head. With the help of a color changing LED that turns from blue to red depending on water temperature, the Temperature Controlled Shower Head guarantees you will never be surprised when getting in the shower ever again.
The Temperature Controlled Shower Head comes equipped with an LED that is activated when the water is turned on. With all temperatures below 89 degrees the light shines blue to let you know the water is cold. But once above 89, the LED changes to red to let you know when it’s safe to get under the water.
How many times have you hopped in the shower only to leap right back out when stung by the ice-cold water flow? With the Temperature Controlled Shower Head you will never have to suffer that shock again. For all the guys out there, as long as you have the Temperature Controlled Shower Head, you will never have to endure another cold shower unless your girlfriend sends you there!
Turn off the lights in the bathroom and let the Temperature Controlled Shower create some great mood lighting as it floods the room in a bright red illumination.

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